Tuesday 26 February 2013

The hoop of DEATH!

The sun was glistening down on the hopeful faces of the teams. The excitement was in the air and in the midst of it all stood the hoop of DEATH.  I thought I could conquer it as Goliath did with the giant. But boy was I wrong... I tried but always failed -  my hopes were dashed.  I looked at the bright blue hoop with wonderment and awe, and wondered how this simple task could be so hard, and then I realised that the hoop was laughing at me. I was now determined and focused but as soon as I got my mo-jo we were rushed inside.

Until next Wednesday,
Yours truly, Joey

Tuesday 19 February 2013

I'm back at Enrich!

Hi, today at Enrich we did some pretty awesome things like....Picadilly Circus which is a Wilson game that makes you think and stratagise ways to get all of the balls around the circle. It was very hard but fun. I love playing wilson games because you get to get out and about, breathe in the fresh air and because I am a very energetic person. Wilson games are often the highlight of my day. Today was extra special because we some how managed to get the best score hopefully we will keep this title but it would be very hard to beat 28 seconds with three balls.

It is a great feeling to be back at Enrich, I love working with like minded people but most of all it's working with the awesome teachers.  I think it's fair to say..... I LOVE ENRICH!!!

See you next time, Joey