Wednesday 28 November 2012

It's finish's a miracle!

Hi guys,
How are my favorite followers doing? I am great, actually I am better that great, I am fantastic, because I Joey Sheppard have just finished my bear money box. I am extremely proud of myself because at first I didn't think I could do it but I did. It was very hard to choose what color  I wanted, then it was the painting, don't even get me started on that! But now that its finished I realized that no amount of staring is going to get it to paint itself, well unless its a magic money box but I think thats highly unlikely. And that my friends was the highlight of my day. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog, see you next week. Bye Joey

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Save the whales!!

Hey look its a minke whale. Talking of  whales Grant Meikle from Sea Shepherd came to talk to us about whales.  If you don't know what Sea Shepherd is it is a  ocean animal society, that is stopping the extinction of ocean animals, and the best part is  they  have a branch here right in  New Zealand. I learnt  a lot of interesting facts and ways that we can help save some of the earths rarest living mammals because they going to be extinct if we don't do something about it. I also found out out some thing that are rather disturbing. Did you know that the Japanese are whaling way over their allowed limit and are killing more than 900 whales. The Sea Shepherds  have successfully cut that down to 300-500 which is huge. This talk has made me think that when I grow up I might want to be a Sea Shepherd.  

And don't forget to... SAVE THE WHALES!

Bye see you next week, Joey